Thinking critically in the midst of the maelstrom: can psychoanalysis help us stay sane in an insane world?

  • Stephen Soldz Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis
Keywords: psychoanalysis, war, ideology, complicity


This special section of Psychotherapy and Politics International contains an online discussion from October 2006 titled ‘Thinking critically in the midst of the maelstrom: can psychoanalysis help us stay sane in an insane world?’ This discussion, which took place on PsyBC ( revolved around two target articles by Neil Altman and Nancy Hollander on psychoanalytic understandings of the contemporary crisis in the US. This introduction discusses a few of the issues that emerged during the wide-ranging discussions. Among these issues are: whether war is inevitable; the interaction of psychodynamics and social processes in maintaining the dominant ideology and social structures; the psychodynamics of bystanders in maintaining social problems; and the complicity of many, even most, citizens in the advanced countries in various ongoing forms of oppression. A theme running through the discussion concerns the role of the citizen in a democracy and the need to increase the individual and social ability to remain aware of unpleasant social realities.


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How to Cite
Soldz, S. (2007). Thinking critically in the midst of the maelstrom: can psychoanalysis help us stay sane in an insane world?. Psychotherapy & Politics International, 5(3). Retrieved from