Meditation, critical psychology, and emancipation

The social construction and deconstruction of the self

Keywords: meditation, critical psychology, social construction, the illusion of a substantial self, emancipation


In this article, it is argued that the original Buddhist notion of meditation can be regarded as an emancipatory practice, as opposed to a legitimation of oppressive social relations. The article first discusses the Buddhist notion of meditation as a practice of the deconstruction of the illusion of a substantial (separate, solid, autonomous) self. Then, it explains theories of the social construction of the self and argues that the notion of the autonomous, separated self is an ideology closely tied to social relations of power. Finally, it concludes that meditation, as a practice of the deconstruction of the self, is an emancipatory practice.


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How to Cite
Ványi, D. (2022). Meditation, critical psychology, and emancipation: The social construction and deconstruction of the self. Psychotherapy & Politics International, 20(1 & 2).