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Robie, David, Pacific Media Centre, Auckland University of Technology
Robie, David (Mayotte)
Robson, Alan
Rodolfo, Michael C., University of Santo Tomas
Rodrigues, Usha M., Deakin University, Melbourne
Rofil, Lily El Ferawati, Bina Nusantara University, Indonesia
Rose, Jeremy
Rose, Jeremy, Independent journalist, Whanganui-a-Tara
Rosenberg, Bill
Rosenthal, Robert
Rowlands, Lyndal
Rupa, Mandrika, Independent documentary maker, Auckland
Rupar, Verica
Ryan, Yasmine


Sagrista, Maria, Divine Word University, Madang
Samarqandi, Muzhgan, Broadcaster and cultural adviser, Aotearoa
Samson, Alan
Samson, Alan (New Zealand)
Samuwai, Jale, The University of the South Pacific
Sapkota, Rituraj, Māori Television videographer, Te Whanganui a Tara
Schwanen, Anni
Scott, Matthew, Newsroom
Scott, Paul
Sela, Luke
Semel, Raphael

651 - 675 of 823 items    << < 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 > >>