
  • Keith Tudor
  • Alayne Hall


E ngā waka, e ngā mana, e ngā hau e wha, ngā mihi mahana i tenei tau hou ki a koutou arā me to whānau hoki. Tenā koutou, tenā koutou, tenā koutou, katoa. He tino hari maua, i te tari putanga na Ata: Journal of Psychotherapy Aotearoa New Zealand. To the many talented and esteemed who are propelled together by the four winds, spread throughout the islands, we warmly greet you and your families in this New Year and we are pleased to introduce another issue of Ata.

How to Cite
Tudor, K., & Hall, A. (2015). Editorial. Ata: Journal of Psychotherapy Aotearoa New Zealand, 19(2), 99-102. https://doi.org/10.9791/ajpanz.2015.09