A Very Human Need
Understanding the Motivations that Lead to Gaming Addiction
While most video game players play in moderation and for fun or to relax, a significant minority of players develop problematic or addictive patterns of gaming. Research has indicated that gamers’ motivations for playing differ between addicted and non-addicted gamers. Accordingly, as with other addictions, if clinicians are able to understand the function of the addictive behaviour in the overall context of a client’s life and the motivations that drive the addictive behaviour, they will be better placed to assist the client to overcome the addiction. Motivations for gaming associated with addiction can be summarised as gaming in order to experience meaning and purpose, to experience potency and achievement, to experience community and belonging, to experience escape and emotional regulation, and to experience a stronger sense of identity and self. This article examines each of these motivations in the context of modern gaming and provides clinicians with sample questions to guide an exploration of these motivations when working with clients affected by gaming addiction.
Ahakoa he tākaro taurite whakapārekareka, whakatā noa rānei tā te nuinga o ngā kai tākaro ataata, ka whanake tonu ake he raru he hanga petipeti warawara. E tohu ana ngā rangahau he rerekē anō te hiringa ngākau ki te petipeti o te kai petipeti warawara ki tō te kai petipeti makere. Heoi, pērā anō ki ētahi atu warawaranga, mēnā ka mātau ngā kai haumanu ki te mahi a te whanonga warawara huri noa i te ao o te kiritaki me te hihiko whakaū i te whanonga warawara, ka mārama ake tā rātau āwhina i te kiritaki ki te whai oranga. Ko ngā hīanga petipeti whakapiri ki te warawara ka taea te kī he tākaro whai wheako tikanga wheako aronga, wheako taikaha paetae hoki, wheako hapori me te whanaungatanga, ki te wheako pahiko me te whakarite kare ā-roto, ā, ki te whai wheako whakamana tuakiri whaiaro hoki. Ko tā tēnei tuhinga he aromatawai i ēnei hiringa katoa i roto i te horopaki o te ao petipeti hou ka hoatu pātai hei ārahi i tētahi rapunga o ēnei hiringa inā mahi tahi me ngā kiritaki kainga e te petipeti warawara.
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