Klein’s Reparation and Jung’s Coniunctio

Encountering the unconscious

  • John O'Connor
Keywords: Jung; Klein; coniunctio; reparation; destructiveness; the greater and lesser coniunctio.


Many patients report experiencing some form of intrapsychic attack, often manifesting in psychological and physical self-attack, and destructive interpersonal dynamics. Writers such as Melanie Klein (1940), Sigmund Freud (1917/1950), and Henri Rey (1994) offer hypotheses regarding the origins of such intrapsychic self-attack, and it is from these that the first ideas regarding the concept of the impulse to repair arise. However, an exploration of the relationship between Jungian perspectives, particularly in relation to the concept of the coniunctio, and psychoanalytic ideas regarding reparation of the inner world, is notably lacking. This paper explores both psychoanalytic and Jungian analytic theoretical perspectives, and the relationship between these, in articulating the ingredients which might contribute to true repair of the inner world within the patient, the analyst, and the therapeutic relationship. Clinical case material generated will be utilised to illustrate the clinical and theoretical material explored, and will illustrate my articulation of the elements which might contribute to true repair of the inner world within both the patient and the analyst, and within the therapeutic relationship.

Author Biography

John O'Connor

John O’Connor is a registered psychotherapist (PBANZ), accredited Jungian analyst (ANZSJA), and NZAC counsellor, and has worked in clinical practice for over 35 years. He has extensive clinical experience, particularly in working with patients with severe trauma histories, in providing group psychotherapy and clinical supervision, and in working cross culturally. He is a former Director of Youthline Counselling Service (Auckland) and the Human Development and Training Institute (HDT). He also formerly worked at Segar House (which is part of ADHB Mental Health Services) and was a founding member of the therapeutic team at Segar which developed a residential treatment service (currently operating as a day programme) for patients with personality disorder diagnoses. He worked as a lecturer at the Auckland University of Technology (AUT) within the Psychotherapy Discipline between 1999 and 2019 and was formerly Programme Leader of the Master of Psychotherapy (adult programme) at AUT. He is the current Chair of the Association of Psychotherapists Aotearoa New Zealand (APANZ) Advanced Clinical Practice (ACP) psychotherapy training pathway, is co-editor of Ata: Journal of Psychotherapy Aotearoa New Zealand, and is the current President of APANZ. John currently conducts a private practice in Mangere Bridge. He is undertaking his PhD exploring the discourses underpinning the making possible of psychotherapy as a clinical practice in Aotearoa New Zealand. Phone 021 899 261. Email: johnnygj@xtra.co.nz

How to Cite
O’Connor, J. (2024). Klein’s Reparation and Jung’s Coniunctio: Encountering the unconscious. Ata: Journal of Psychotherapy Aotearoa New Zealand, 27(1), 57-92. https://doi.org/10.24135/ajpanz.2024.04