
  • Tony Coates


From its origins in medicine, neurology and psychiatry, psychotherapy has expanded to include a large number of psychotherapeutic schools and disciplines. In New Zealand our Association has taken on the task of attempting to embrace all we can, and hold our diverse company together without coming apart at the seams.

Author Biography

Tony Coates

As recorded in 1997.

MBChB, Cert Ontological Coaching, MNZAP. Medical psychotherapist. Works under contract to Auckland Occupational Health and at Henderson House. Also in private practice. Has a long-standing interest in language and the biology of cognition, and has researched the work of Maturana and Varela for many years in Australia and the USA.

How to Cite
Coates, T. (2000). Editorial. Ata: Journal of Psychotherapy Aotearoa New Zealand, 6(1), 3-4. https://doi.org/10.9791/ajpanz.2000.01