Person-centred psychotherapy

  • Keith Tudor Auckland University of Technology
Keywords: person-centred, psychology, psychotherapy, counselling, research, cross-cultural communication


This article discusses person-centred psychotherapy. Firstly, it provides a brief history of the development of person-centred psychology, and its form of psychotherapy, and summarises the contributions of the different tribes or strands of what is now generally referred to as the person-centred approach. Secondly, it considers some of the key contributions that Carl Rogers and other person-centred theorists and practitioners have made to the field of psychotherapy, as well as ways in which person-centred psychotherapy is viewed as insufficient and unnecessary. Finally, the article examines the present state of person- centred psychotherapy and its therapies in Aotearoa New Zealand, and the prospects for its future development and influence.

He matapakinga i te whakaoranga hinengaro pū-whaiaro tā tēnei tuhinga. Tuatahi, ka whakaratoa he kōrero paku nei o mua o te whanaketanga o tēnei momo tirohanga hinengaro, me tōna āhua hauora hinengaro ka whakarāpopoto hoki i te hua o ngā peka rerekē o tēnei mea e kīa nei i ēnei wā ko te rato pū-whaiaro. Tuarua, ka whakaarohia ētahi o ngā huanga matua kua homai e Kara Rāpata me ētahi atu kaiwhakatakoto ariā kaiwhakaharatau hoki ki te anga o te whakaora hinengaro, ā, me te āhua whakaaro kāre i te rahi ā kāre noa iho ōna kiko. I te mutunga, ka āta matawaihia te takotoranga onāianei o tēnei āhua whakaora hinengaro me āna haumaruhanga i Aotearoa Niu Tīreni, me ngā tōnui mō tōna whanaketanga anamata tōna awenga hoki.

Author Biography

Keith Tudor, Auckland University of Technology

Keith Tudor is professor of psychotherapy at Auckland University of Technology where he is also currently co-lead of a Group for Research in the Psychological Therapies, which has close links with the NZAP. He was an associate member of the NZAP (2010–2019), during which time, he co-founded and (2012–2017) co-edited Ata, and was on the conference organising committee of the 2013 NZAP annual conference held at Orakei Marae, Auckland. For 17 years (1993–2010), with Louise Embleton Tudor, he was a director of Temenos, Sheffield,

UK, an organisation dedicated to person-centred education, and was the director of its master’s programme in person-centred psychotherapy & counselling (which was validated by Middlesex University). He is the author and/or editor of over 100 publications on person- centred psychology and its applications, including six books. He is a member of the World Association for Person-centered & Experiential Psychotherapy & Counseling and was chair of the conference organising committee of its biennial world conference, which, as PCE2021, was held in Auckland last year. He has a small independent practice based in West Auckland as a health care provider, supervisor, and trainer.

How to Cite
Tudor, K. (2022). Person-centred psychotherapy. Ata: Journal of Psychotherapy Aotearoa New Zealand, 26(1), 11-37.