Somatic illness and the patient's other story

By Brian Broom, Free Association Books

  • Angela Stupples


Brian Broom Somatic Illness and the Patient's Other Story, London, Free Association Books, 1997. $48.95.

It was a pleasure to be asked to review this book, published by Free Association Books, London. I congratulate Brian on having found a place to express his clinical experience and ideas in the wider world of Europe and North America. It reduces the sense of isolation and self-absorption which I experience in our current cultural climate, as we struggle to come to terms with the events of our past.

Author Biography

Angela Stupples

As recorded in 1998.

Angela Stupples has a Certificate in Child Psychotherapy, having trained with the Department of Psychological Medicine at Otago. She works as a psychotherapist at Ashburn Hall, with a mainly adult inpatient caseload, and is particularly interested in early intervention work with mothers and small children. MNZAP.

How to Cite
Stupples, A. (1998). Somatic illness and the patient’s other story: By Brian Broom, Free Association Books. Ata: Journal of Psychotherapy Aotearoa New Zealand, 4(1), 128-129.