Working with antisocial personality disorder

  • Seán Manning


The antisocial personality has long been dismissed by analysts and psychotherapists as unresponsive to psychotherapy. This paper explores reasons for this, using the idea of Ego and Shadow. Transactional Analysis theory is presented to construct a theoretical foundation from which psychotherapeutic work can usefully proceed. The negative role of therapist empathy, the reasons why successful programs are often run by non-professionals, and indicators for treatment are explored.

Author Biography

Seán Manning

As recorded in 1997.

BSc(Hons), DipSW, DipGrad, ITAA(PTM), MNZAP. Trained in social work in Belfast. Psychiatric social worker, lecturer in social work at Otago. TA Trainer, student counsellor and psychotherapist in private practice. Founding trustee of Moana House therapeutic community. Māori speaker. Committed to free sharing of intellectual capital. Thesis underway on impact of psychological constructs at a cultural boundary.

How to Cite
Manning, S. (1). Working with antisocial personality disorder. Ata: Journal of Psychotherapy Aotearoa New Zealand, 3(1), 110-128.