Science, psychiatry and psychotherapy
The paper is a critical deconstruction of the medical model. I examine the medical model in medicine, and how it drives psychiatry and psychotherapy. Using the notion of 'structure determinism' as outlined by Humberto Maturana (Chilean neurobiologist and leading constructivist thinker) I demonstrate the confusion that inevitably arises in daily life when theories about, explanations of, and metaphors for, human behaviour and conduct are confused with psychological processes.
I suggest that such theories are about human conduct and therefore are a part of ethics and religion and do not belong to medicine proper. Considering such explanations, theories, and metaphors to belong to medicine, maintains a power of medical expertise to predict and control human conduct. To this extent the medical model in psychiatry and psychotherapy is an issue of power and control and hence belongs to ethics and morality, and not to medicine.
I also suggest that human freedom, responsibility, dignity, and integrity may lie in reclaiming such expertise for oneself.