Narcissistic vulnerability in manic psychosis and how it parallels with the 'ritual process'

  • Laetitia Puthenpadath


Anthropologist Arnold Van Gennep has studied the transformative potential of rights of passage. He identified a basic symbolic structure common in all forms of rituals. Self-psychology attempts to explain manic psychosis in terms of narcissistic vulnerability and shame. This paper reflects on the underlying similarities and contrasts between the ritual process and hypomanic episodes and draws out its implications for psychotherapy.

Author Biography

Laetitia Puthenpadath

As recorded in 1996.

MSc India, MRed Manila, Dip Psychotherapy Auckland, MNZAP. Lives in a small community of Christian woman. Has been training further in psychoanalytic psychotherapy with AFCP and IPP in Auckland since 1993. Worked in private practice for five years and has been working in Community Mental Health since 1993.

How to Cite
Puthenpadath, L. (1). Narcissistic vulnerability in manic psychosis and how it parallels with the ’ritual process’. Ata: Journal of Psychotherapy Aotearoa New Zealand, 2(1), 75-83.