Projective identification and countertransference

  • Helen Campbell


A lot of stories has started off with "a long time ago" and when I came to write this paper, I thought again how the start of my interest in this topic is probably deep within the shadow of my own psyche. As I am a twin in the middle of a family of six children, I could imagine there would be, at an unconscious level, as well as the conscious, many times in my life when I have wanted to pull someone into my reality and/or be pulled into theirs.

Author Biography

Helen Campbell

As recorded in 1995.

Clinical member ITAA, is working in private practice in Christchurch with an interest in long-term psychotherapy, and is otherwise engaged in pottery, painting and planning the garden. MNZAP.

How to Cite
Campbell, H. (1). Projective identification and countertransference. Ata: Journal of Psychotherapy Aotearoa New Zealand, 1(1), 51-59.