A return journey to the concept of top-dog/under-dog

Travelling with Winnicott and others

  • Gill Caradoc-Davies


The concept of Top-dog/Under-dog is referred to in textbooks, but is less frequently taught due to a perception that it lacks clinical usefulness. This article sets out to revitalise the concept, changing the language used, and to re-integrate the term with its analytical/object relational roots.

Author Biography

Gill Caradoc-Davies

As recorded in 1995

MBChb(UTC), MFGP (SA), FRANSCP. Is a Gestalt therapist and Consultant Psychotherapist working in private practice in Dunedin. Teaches psychodynamic psychotherapy to Psychiatric Registrars, and is Senior Faculty with the Gestalt Institute of New Zealand, with an interest in exploring non-verbal contactfulness. MNZAP.

How to Cite
Caradoc-Davies, G. (1). A return journey to the concept of top-dog/under-dog: Travelling with Winnicott and others. Ata: Journal of Psychotherapy Aotearoa New Zealand, 1(1), 15- 22. https://doi.org/10.9791/ajpanz.1995.03