Rediscovering Sabina

Terror and the Primitive Sexual Transference

  • Rod Sandle
Keywords: terror, transference, dissociation, emotional dysregulation, symbolism, social structure, evolution, population genetics


Terror arises on the one hand from the fear of death and on the other the passion for life. In working with terror as it manifests in the transference, a challenge for the practitioner is to maintain homeostasis in its physical, intellectual, emotional and relational aspects, as terror is a strong force for tipping the balance of emotional regulation with consequences mentally and physically. This paper will explore this challenge, starting by going back to the roots of psychoanalysis and a paper written by Sabina Spielrein in 1912: “Destruction as the Cause of Coming into Being.” Building on Spielrein’s work, it will attempt to deepen understanding of her theory linking terror to the primitive sexual transference. Of particular interest is the recognition of dissociation in both patient and practitioner and working with it in the therapeutic relationship. The presence of terror and dissociation in the wider community, both currently and historically, is touched on.

Author Biography

Rod Sandle

Rod Sandle has been a member of NZAP for 35 years. He is a certified transactional analyst, a certified bioenergetic therapist and a registered psychotherapist. He studied psychology and zoology at the same time at university and has remained interested in the links between them. Currently for him one such link involves what lies behind the phenomenon whereby dissociative personality traits can evoke both positive and negative idealisation from others. This can be true of the therapist’s relationship with their client and can also be evoked

in us by these characteristics in people taking political action.

How to Cite
Sandle, R. (2020). Rediscovering Sabina: Terror and the Primitive Sexual Transference. Ata: Journal of Psychotherapy Aotearoa New Zealand, 24(2), 29-42.