E ngā waka, e ngā mana, e ngā hau e wha, ngā mihi nui ki a koutou arā me to whānau hoki. Tenā koutou, tenā koutou, tenā koutou katoa. He tino hari maua, i te tari putanga tuarua na Ata: Journal of Psychotherapy Aotearoa New Zealand. I te putanga koutou o te kape tuatahi me te oho koutou nga aroro “Te Timatanga o te Kainga”. Tahuri ki a koutou kei te putanga tuarua inaianei, he whakamarama koutou nga aroro “Tona Kanohi”. Nō reira nga mihi mahana koutou ano, kei te hari awhero koe nga mahi kaiawhina tuhituhi taua ka korero pukapuka.
To the many talented and esteemed who are propelled together by the four winds, spread throughout the islands we greet you and your family warmly. We greet you once, twice, thrice. We are very pleased to bring you the second issue of Ata: Journal of Psychotherapy Aotearoa. In our first issue, we were enlightened by a number of contributions which explored concepts concerning “Home is Where we Start From”. We now turn to our second issue and the theme of “The Face of the Other”, the subject and theme of the New Zealand Association of Psychotherapists’ 2012 Conference, where concepts concerning this theme were illuminated for us. Once again we greet you warmly and we hope you enjoy the efforts of the writers who have contributed to this journal.