Research Note on Experiences and Attitudes Going Forward with and Beyond Omicron (July)
The attitudinal base of support for the current Covid strategy in NZ is assessed using current and recent survey data – covering attitudes and reports in relation to switching to the traffic light system, vaccination, border-opening, Covid-management issues and the various feelings and views in coping with Omicron. Evidence is compiled, too, on attitudes towards any resetting of New Zealand’s Covid-19 regime and possible pivots to alternatives. As NZ develops its way of dealing with the Omicron variant, the attitudinal and behavioural concomitants can be traced based on longitudinal surveys.
Crothers, C. (2022). Research Note on Experiences and Attitudes Going Forward with and Beyond Omicron (March). Aotearoa New Zealand Journal of Social Issues, 2(1).
Crothers, C. (2021). New Zealand Pew Survey ‘Spring 2021’ Covid-related Results. Aotearoa New Zealand Journal of Social Issues, 1. Crothers, C. (2021). The Social Demography of Covid-19 Delta. Aotearoa New Zealand Journal of Social Issues, 1.
Hannah, Kate; Hattotuwa, Sanjana & Taylor, Kayli (2022) Mis- and disinformation in Aotearoa New Zealand from 17 August to 5 November 2021: working paper
McAllister, Janet; Caitlin Neuwelt-Kearns, Leah Bain, Nikki Turner, Donna Wynd (2021) The first year of Covid-19: Initial outcomes of our collective care for low-income children in Aotearoa New Zealand CPAG CPAG_2021_1st_year_of_Covid_Initial_outcomes_of_our_collective_care_for_low_income_children_in_Aotearoa_NZ.pdf June 2021.
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