Research Note on Experiences and Attitudes Going Forward with and Beyond Delta
The attitudinal base of support for the current ‘elimination strategy’ regime in NZ is assessed using current and recent survey data – covering attitudes and reports in relation to social distancing and mask wearing, to the boundary, and the lockdown and its effects. Evidence is compiled, too, on attitudes towards any resetting of New Zealand’s Covid regime and possible pivots to alternatives.
BusinessNZ Network (2021) Covid-19 Pulse Survey. September 2021
Cooke, Henry (2021) Covid-19 NZ First lockdown poll shows steady lead for Labour but voters are worried about the future. Stuff Sep 15.
Crothers, Charles (2021) Published NZ Studies on Covid. School of Social Sciences, AUT.
Crothers, Charles (2020) New and Updated CV-19 Related Surveys in New Zealand, Early October 2020: Research Note 10.
Curia (2021) Pers. Comm.
Edmund, Susan (2021) Aucklanders back to work, but is it the best call for the economy? Stuff Sep 21 2021
Gilray, Claire (2021) Performative Control and Rhetoric in Aotearoa New Zealand’s Response to COVID-19. Frontiers of Political Science, 12 August 2021.
Heatley, Dave (2020) Cost-benefit-analysis-covid-alert-4. Productivity Commission, Research note 2020/02 May 2020
Heatley, Dave (2021) A social cost–benefit framework for COVID-19 policy decisions. New Zealand Economic Papers.
Helen Clark Foundation (2021) Nau Mai: Welcome Home Post-pandemic futures series.
Horizon (2021b)
Horizon (2021a) 65% of M?ori adults likely to take COVID-19 vaccine. 10 Mar 21
Infometrics (2021)
Kea (2021) the Futures Aspirations Report
Lally, Martin (2020) The Costs And Benefits Of Covid-19 Lockdowns. Capital Financial Consultants. November 2020.
Lynch, Keith (2021) Covid-19: New Zealand's elimination strategy, explained. Stuff Sep 22
MBIE (2021) Survey of Arrivals
Perceptive (2021) COVID-19 Pulse of New Zealand
Prickett K.C., Habibi H., Carr P.A. (2020) COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy and Acceptance in a Cohort of Diverse New Zealanders. The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific.
Stats NZ (2021) Well-Being Statistics
Thornber, Lorna (2021) Bubble trouble: Survey shows concern about return of international tourists. Stuff Apr 09 2021
TRA (2021a) Benchmark survey reveals contentment towards New Zealand's COVID-19 response.
TRA (2021b) Sentiment & Behaviours Benchmark Survey. For DPMC.
Stuff (2021) Stuff launches NowNext survey to take New Zealand's pulse after a year of the Covid-19 pandemic. Mar 26 2021.
Stewart Ashleigh (2021) Our tribal nature explained: The team of 5 million v the Kiwis who just want to come home. Stuff. Sep 26
UMR/ Mills, Stephen (2020)
Wynn, Kirsty (2021) Lifestyle Survey – How We're Doing: NZME and Colmar Brunton post-Covid survey revealed. 12 Jun, NZ Herald.
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