Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Transformational Experiences Beyond Borders: Partnership Development for Sustainable Futures
Research Session 5: Nature-based Adventure, Tourism & Metaverse

Beyond ‘the’ Flow State: Pathways to Distinct, Optimally Engaging Psychological Experiences in Nature-Based Adventure

Patrick Boudreau
Ara Institute of Canterbury
Susan Houge Mackenzie
University of Otago
Ken Hodge
University of Otago

Published 2023-12-01


  • Flow state,
  • Clutch state,
  • optimal experience,
  • peak experience,
  • psychology,
  • adventure
  • ...More


Flow research has primarily focused on singular optimal state models (e.g., flow, peak experience), often in traditional sport or work contexts. This study investigated a proposed alternative model encompassing distinct optimal experiences (i.e., flow and clutch) via sequential studies across diverse nature-based adventure contexts (e.g., rockclimbing, snowboarding, BASE jumping, whitewater kayaking). The sequential explanatory design involved intensity sampling of flow questionnaire scores, followed by semi structure interviews (Study 1), and inductive-deductive data collection and analysis using the Scanlan Collaborative Interview Method (Study 2). Analysis identified distinct, optimally engaging experiences largely aligned with distinct ‘flow’ and ‘clutch’ states. While both experiences involved an immersive, present moment focus, each state was accompanied by distinct antecedents, characteristics and consequences. Based on these findings, (1) an expanded model of distinct optimal experiences is presented, and (2) implications for designing diverse forms of optimally engaging experiences across a range of contexts are explored.