Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Transformational Experiences Beyond Borders: Partnership Development for Sustainable Futures
Research Session 4.1: More on Food Experience

The Impact of Message Endorsement on Consumers’ Sustainable Food Choices in Out-of- home Dining: A Field Experiment

Marie Nowak
Dalarna University, Mid Sweden University

Published 2023-12-01


  • Behavioural intervention,
  • Food choice,
  • Sustainability,
  • Hospitality,
  • Message endorsement,
  • Field experiment
  • ...More


As the environmental impact of food consumption gains increasing attention and the hospitality sector faces pressure to become sustainable, identifying mechanisms to promote pro-environmental food choices in out-of-home settings becomes crucial. This study investigates the impact of message endorsement on consumers' sustainable food choices in an à la carte restaurant. The study involves workshops with restaurant staff, joint intervention design, and a 6-week-long field experiment to test the effect of an environmental appeal message endorsed by an expert on consumers’ food choices. Data on menu item sales, nonparticipant observation and interviews are collected to evaluate the intervention's effectiveness. The study contributes new knowledge on behavioural factors driving sustainable food choices in out-of-home settings. It also offers practical insights for designing interventions that reduce the hospitality sector's environmental footprint without harming customer experience or profitability. Methodological implications concern new insights on field experiments conducted in collaboration with restaurant managers and staff.