Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Transformational Experiences Beyond Borders: Partnership Development for Sustainable Futures
Research Session 4.1: More on Food Experience

Flavourful Clips: The Impact of Auditory Cues on Flavour Perception and Emotions During Food Consumption

Nazimah Hamid
Auckland University of Technology
Yi Hsuan Tiffany Lin
Auckland University of Technology
Yifan Dai
Auckland University of Technology
Daniel Shepherd
Auckland University of Technology
Kevin Kantono
Auckland University of Technology

Published 2023-12-01


  • Movie clips,
  • arousal,
  • valence,
  • chocolate ice cream,
  • flavour,
  • consumer food behaviour
  • ...More


This influence of video clips varying arousal and valence on the affective states and perception of chocolate ice cream have been investigated. Consuming ice cream while watching video with positive valence, high arousal or low arousal resulted in more positive emotions compared to silent conditions. The perception of sweetness, milky and creamy were cited more when watching low arousal and high valence clips. Bitterness and roasted flavours were cited more under high arousal video conditions. Videos varying in valence and arousal are associated with different emotions that can in turn influence ice cream flavour perception. These findings highlight the influence of auditory cues on sensory perception and emotions during food consumption.