Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Transformational Experiences Beyond Borders: Partnership Development for Sustainable Futures
Research Session 3: Hospitality & Tourism Experiences

A Model of Reciprocal Hospitableness for Luxury Lodges

Anita Manfreda
Torrens University
Tracey Harkison
Auckland University of Technology

Published 2023-12-01


  • Hospitableness,
  • Reciprocity,
  • Luxury Lodges,
  • Social Exchange,
  • Transformative Service Research


This paper proposes a model of reciprocal hospitableness that underpins luxury lodge experiences. It explores the occurrence of reciprocal hospitableness when gratitude is elicited and identifies the mechanisms and practices that facilitate reciprocal hospitableness among guests, staff, managers, and external parties. By employing a multiple-case study approach and high engagement research techniques, the findings shed light on how hospitableness, encompassing dimensions such as belonging/fictive kinship, meaningful connections, altruism/generosity, comfort/homely feel, and inclusivity, is mutually reciprocated among experience participants in luxury lodge experiences. The findings also reveal mechanisms and practices adopted by the various experience participants to encourage and nurture reciprocal hospitableness, extending the understanding of reciprocity beyond the host-guest relationship. The proposed model contributes to the literature on social exchange, reciprocity, hospitableness, and transformative service research. Moreover, it has practical implications for luxury lodges, emphasising the significance of hospitableness as a differentiating factor, and highlighting the potential of hospitable practices in fostering inclusive relationships within organisations and with the local community, thereby promoting social and economic sustainability in the broader tourism destination.