Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): Transformational Experiences Beyond Borders: Partnership Development for Sustainable Futures
Research Session 6: Experience Design Agenda

The Story Behind 7 Experiences Summit

Virpi Roto
Aalto University
Markus Ahola
LAB University of Applied Sciences,

Published 2023-12-01


  • Experience Research Society,
  • 7 Experiences Summit,
  • Multidisciplinarity,
  • Community building


In 7 Experiences Summit 2022, there was a question: why is this event called 7 Experiences Summit? We did not have a proper answer, since the story behind the summit is multifaceted. The history of the summit is intertwined with the history of Experience Research society. In this extended abstract, we tell the story behind the summit. There are no groundbreaking scientific contributions in this story, and some details may have been distorted in our memory along the years. Therefore, this story provides you with a different reading experience. This story is a fairytale, with considerable resemblance to true past events.